Archive for March 2011

Today I'm wearing

I found this lace blouse in a charity shop and turned it round because I liked the buttons at the back!

So I know its about a month too late but I was looking through some photos on Facebook and came across this one from my birthday...
Wheres Wally theme (obviously) I love polaroid photos they look so good.

I found these cute denim shorts on ebay (originally from topshop) that were £1.99, no one had made any bids so I hoped that no one would. When I made a bid at the last minute someone had done exactly the same thing as me but it must have been seconds after and I ended up losing them...I could have cried! Ebay is a tricky thing its all about the timing...or I could just work out how to put a maximum bid on so that it does it automatically. Anyway now I feel like I have to buy something else instead!

The sun is shining, summer is on the way and I want to exchange the coats and boots for shorts and sandels. I don't think it is quite hot enough for that yet, but I can pretend when I look outside through the window. I went shopping the other day and bought a mid length skirt, £3 from a charity shop. A good find I think!


On Saturday, I went to London Fashion Weekend and saw collections from Mark Fast and other new designers. The first collection, inspired by Black Swan, featured full skirts, ruffles and top knots. This one was my fav. Can someone please buy me a ruffled long skirt? that would be great!

So we all got our hopes up about the goodie bag that we would be getting, to find that the most exciting thing in there was a pack of special K mini bites!